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. 2017 Jan 3;5(1):2325967116675272. doi: 10.1177/2325967116675272


PRP kits by PAW and Mishra (Sports Medicine) Classificationsa

PAW Classification Mishra Classification
Kit Platelets WBC Neutrophils Resultb Activation (PAW/Mishra) WBC Platelets Resultc
ACP P2 B b P2Bb N/A Minimal <5 3B
Magellan P4 A a P4Aa N/A Increased <5 1B
GPS III P3 A a P3Aa N/A Increased <5 1B
SmartPrep2 P3 A a P3Aa N/A Increased <5 1B

aN/A, not applicable; WBC, total white blood cell count.

bPAW classification: platelet counts: P2 = baseline to 750,000; P3 = 750,000-1,250,000; P4 = >1,250,000. Total WCC: A = above baseline, B = below or equal to baseline. Neutrophil count: a = above baseline, b = below baseline.

cMishra classification: type 1B = increased WCC, no activation, platelet count <5 times baseline; type 3B = minimal WCC, no activation, platelet count <5 times baseline.