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. 2015 Mar 31;4(2):51–64. doi: 10.3390/foods4020051

Table 1.

Mean square values from the analysis of variance for capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, total carotenoids, ascorbic acid and total phenolic contents (mg/100 g) of hot pepper hybrids under different packaging and storage conditions.

Source of variation Degree freedom Capsaicin Dihydrocapsaicin Total carotenoids Ascorbic acid Total phenolic compounds
Hybrid (H) 2 2,537.866 ** 937.711 ** 16,090.310 ** 1,068.297 ** 13,753.680 **
Storage Period (S) 3 87.174 ** 51.529 ** 2,306.240 ** 845.790 ** 1,064.536 **
Packaging (P) 1 4.544 ** 1.123 * 78.313 ** 39.681 ** 22.633 **
Temperature (T) 2 9.435 ** 6.982 ** 276.108 ** 223.127 ** 143.317 **
H × S 6 0.461 * 0.749 ** 21.130 ** 15.002 ** 62.977 **
H × P 2 0.007 NS 0.020 NS 5.870 NS 0.292 NS 0.176 NS
H × T 4 0.472 * 0.127 NS 10.700 * 8.648 ** 4.276 **
S × P 3 0.696 ** 0.226 NS 13.888 * 4.884 ** 3.217 **
S × T 6 1.215 ** 0.874 ** 76.090 ** 44.643 ** 18.147 **
P × T 2 0.475 NS 0.257 NS 15.352 * 0.592 NS 1.139 NS
H × S × P 6 0.066 NS 0.031 NS 1.517 NS 0.619 NS 0.214 NS
H × S × T 12 0.333 * 0.308 * 3.909 NS 3.195 ** 1.988 **
H × P × T 4 0.086 NS 0.063 NS 2.204 NS 1.091 NS 2.319 *
S × P × T 6 0.074 NS 0.076 NS 4.375 NS 0.724 NS 0.403 NS
H × S × P × T 12 0.039 NS 0.026 NS 5.063 NS 0.615 NS 0.474 NS
Error 144 0.171 0.166 3.693 0.622 0.781

* Significant at the 0.05 level; ** Significant at the 0.01 level; NS, Not significant.