Figure 2. Brain representation of tactile stimulation in healthy rats prior to injury.
(a, b) Group average maps in response to unilateral left (a) and right (b) paw stimulation (one-sample t-test, with voxel-wise cluster threshold of Z > 2.58 and cluster significance threshold of p < 0.05; N = 19 for left paw, N = 20 for right paw, corrected for multiple comparisons). Group-averaged maps are displayed as statistical t-values overlaid on corresponding T2-weighted anatomical images. Color bars represent the range of t-values. The distance from the Bregma in mm is shown at the bottom. (c) Percent signal changes over time in the corresponding contralateral SIHL are shown. Abbreviation: SIHL – primary sensory cortex hind limb region, SII – secondary sensory cortex, Tha – thalamus, ACC – anterior cingulate cortex, Ins – insular cortex, and CPu – caudate putamen.