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. 2017 Feb 13;7:42431. doi: 10.1038/srep42431

Table 1. variables and sets used in model derivation.

pj Probability of using node j, also the attachment or connection probability
ϕj Fitness of node j
Uj Inverse fitness (or unfitness) of node j (Uj = 1/ϕj)
qj Dual variable for node j ∈ N, which measures degree of avoidance measured on the scale 0 to 1
hr Probability that path r ∈ R is selected
δjkr 1 if node j ∈ Nk lies on path r ∈ R and 0 otherwise (node j may lie in multiple paths)
ϕjk Fitness of node j ∈ Nk
Ujk Unfitness of node j ∈ Nk
V Network unfitness
N Set of nodes
R Set of all feasible paths (or supply chains), whereby all paths share a common origin and a common destination
K Set of tiers
Nk Set of nodes in tier k, k ∈ K