The uuat1-2 Mutant Is Affected in Seed Mucilage Structure and Composition.
RG-I and arabinan labeling in adherent mucilage from wild-type Col-0 seeds and the uuat1-2 mutant line. Confocal microscopy optical section reconstruction of AM released from imbibed seeds. Asterisks represent differences in labeling. Bars = 100 μm in (A) and (C) and 50 µm in (B) to (F).
(A) to (D) CCRC-M36 antibody (green) was used to label RG-I domains, and calcofluor white was used to detect β-1,4-glucans (purple). (B) and (D) are magnifications of (A) and (C), showing greater detail of the AM, the distal cell wall (dw), and the columella cells (C).
(E) and (F) The LM6 antibody was used to label arabinan (green) in both wild-type Col-0 and uuat1-2 seeds.