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. 2017 Feb 13;12(2):e0172112. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172112

Table 3. Effect of 2 SD change of joint angles on peak net moments at the hip, knee and ankle evaluated as a change from the original value in N m and percentages.

Manipulated parameter ΔJoint angle (°) ΔPeak net joint moment (N m)
Hip Knee Ankle
Hip Knee Ankle Flex Ext Flex Ext Plant Dors
Hip ext −8 −4 −4 −12.5 (23%) 9.5 (12%) −1.9 (10%) 1.8 (6%) −2.5 (19%) 4.8 (5%)
Hip flex +8 +4 +4 13.3 (25%) −9.7 (12%) 1.9 (10%) −1.9 (7%) 2.7 (20%) −4.8 (5%)
Knee ext −4 −8 +4 1.7 (3%) 0.3 (0%) −18.6 (97%) 16.9 (60%) 0.0 (0%) 0.0 (0%)
Knee flex +4 +8 −4 −2.2 (4%) −0.8 (1%) 18.4 (96%) −16.3 (58%) 0.0 (0%) 0.0 (0%)
Ankle plant +4 −4 +8 15.5 (26%) −8.9 (11%) −16.7 (87%) 15.0 (52%) 2.7 (19%) −4.8 (5%)
Ankle dors −4 +4 −8 −14.2 (29%) 9.0 (11%) 16.6 (87%) −14.5 (53%) −2.6 (20%) 4.8 (5%)
Hip ext + knee ext −8 −8 0 −7.3 (13%) 6.5 (8%) −13.7 (71%) 12.4 (44%) −1.7 (13%) 3.2 (3%)
Hip flex + knee flex +8 +8 0 7.2 (13%) −7.1 (9%) 13.6 (71%) −12.2 (44%) 1.7 (13%) −3.2 (4%)
Hip ext + ankle dors −8 0 −8 −17.5 (32%) 12.5 (16%) 9.8 (51%) −8.6 (31%) −3.3 (25%) 6.5 (7%)
Hip flex + ankle plant +8 0 +8 19.6 (36%) −12.3 (15%) −9.9 (52%) 8.6 (31%) 3.7 (27%) −6.3 (7%)
Knee ext + ankle plant 0 −8 +8 11.4 (21%) −5.7 (7%) −23.5 (123%) 21.4 (76%) 1.8 (13%) −3.2 (3%)
Knee flex + ankle dors 0 +8 −8 −11.1 (20%) 5.4 (7%) 23.3 (122%) −20.4 (73%) −1.8 (13%) 3.2 (3%)

In joint moment changes, positive values indicate increase of the peak and negative values indicate decrease of the peak; ext, extension; flex, flexion; plant, plantarflexion; dors, dorsiflexion; the resulting posture for each manipulation is shown in Fig 5.