A) The Z
2 solubility tag did not interfere with DNA- and chromatin-stimulated ATPase activities. Saturating amounts of nucleic acid ligands (0.2 mg/ml
of linearized pT7blue and 0.1 mg/ml of chromatin assembled on the same DNA, respectively) and ATP (1 mM) were used. The unstimulated basal activity was ≤0.05 s
−1. Errors are s.d. (n ≥ 3). (
B) The Z
2 solubility tag did not interfere with remodeling rates on wild-type H4 containing chromatin and tail-less H4 chromatin. Z
2-tagged ISWI
+6; E257Q, which contained a point mutation in the ATPase domain rendering it catalytically inactive, was included as a control. Its activity on tail-less H4 arrays was undetectable (§). Errors are s.d. (n ≥ 3) except for the ATPase-dead construct (ISWI
+6; E257Q), which was tested once. (
C) DNA- and chromatin-stimulated ATP hydrolysis rates of the ATPase dead double mutant ISWI
+6; E257Q were negligible (≤0.04 s
−1). Errors are s.d. (n ≥ 3) for ISWI
WT and minimal and maximal values of two independent measurements for ISWI
+6; E257Q. The asterisks (*) mark data that were replotted for comparison from
Figure 3B,C.