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. 2017 Jan 31;54(2):447–457. doi: 10.1007/s13197-016-2481-8

Table 3.

Firmness, TSS, acidity, TSS/acid ratio, pH and vitamin C of ‘Sukkari’ bananas during storage as affected by postharvest chitosan, gallic acid and chitosan gallate dipping

Firmness (N) TSS (%) Acidity (%) TSS/acid (ratio) pH Vitamin C (g kg−1)
Initial 41.5 3.3 0.52 6.4 5.0 0.095
Treatments (T)
 Control 6.2d 16.5a 0.47de 41.8ab 5.1 0.059
 Acetic acid 1% 7.1cd 16.1a 0.61abc 33.3bcd 5.1 0.064
Chitosan (%)
 0.15 6.4d 13.8b 0.34e 48.0a 5.2 0.059
 1 7.7c 14.0b 0.68ab 30.8cde 5.2 0.064
Gallic acid (%)
 0.075 7.7c 13.2b 0.53cd 29.4cde 5.2 0.064
 0.15 7.3cd 13.1b 0.69a 35.6bc 5.5 0.069
Chitosan gallate (mL/L)a
 25 11.1b 8.4d 0.55bcd 24.6ef 5.1 0.063
 50 13.7a 7.7d 0.53cd 18.1f 4.7 0.066
 75 13.6a 10.8c 0.69a 25.8def 4.8 0.064
F-test *** *** *** *** NS NS
LSD (0.05) 1.1 1.9 0.13 8.5
Shelf life period (SP) (days)
 6 10.3a 11.1b 0.83a 15.2a 5.1 0.070a
 13 7.7b 14.3a 0.30b 48.8b 5.2 0.058b
F-test *** *** *** *** NS ***
T × SP
 F-test NS NS NS NS NS ***

NS not significant, – not calculated

Means within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at level P ≤ 0.05. ** and *** significant at P ≤ 0.01 and 0.001, respectively

aChitosan gallate was prepared by mixing equal volumes of 1% (w/v) gallic acid with 2% (w/v) chitosan