Fig. 4.
Plugs in a P. infestans hypha block the cytoplasmic streaming between the apical and basal part of the hypha. A compartment of the hypha that was sealed off by a plug (a; indicated by the arrowhead) and a part of the hypha that was in contact with the rest of the hypha (b) was photobleached and recovery of Lifeact-eGFP was recorded over 10 min. In a and b panels marked with −20 s show the fluorescence before photobleaching and t = 0 shows the area selected for photobleaching (white line). Recovery was shown immediately after photobleaching (t = 0) and after 5 and 10 min. Bars 5 µm. c The average fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (Y-axis) over time (X-axis) for hyphae with plug (n = 7) and hyphae without plug (n = 8). Recovery was monitored every 10 s