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. 2017 Feb 14;8:139. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00139
(15) 07-BR-spoon (9 months)
004 M |WO: is der lÖffel; |
WHE:RE is the spoon;
|((moves book, lifts it up)) |
005 WO:: ist der lÖffel;
WHE::RE is the spoon;
006 L ((touches book with face))
007 M WO ist der lÖffel?
WHERE is the spoon?
008 [| < < breathy> DA:> ist der löffel.|]
THE:RE is the spoon.
|((points to spoon)) |
009 L [((places rh on picture))]
graphic file with name fpsyg-08-00139-i0010.jpg
010 L [((lh touches picture, fingers splayed))]
graphic file with name fpsyg-08-00139-i0011.jpg
011 M [ < < ☺>DA:] ist der LÖFfel-> =
THE:RE is the spoon-