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. 2017 Feb 14;8:139. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00139
(20) 07-BR-mug, hearts (22 months)
011 M was ham wa DA?
what do we have THERE?
012 L gε:
013 M SAG ma,
014 = was IS das?
what IS that?
015 L TASse.
016 M ne TASse-
a MUG-
017 = und WAS is obendrauf?
and WHAT is on top of it?
018 L |LÖFfel. |
|((points to picture)) |
020 M |und was is das hier AUF der TASse? |
and what is that here ON the mug?
|((taps on picture)) |
021 L pεtseɐ ;
022 M HERzen;
023 M [der LÖFfel is auf der HERZtasse. ]
the SPOON is on the HEART mug.
024 L [|((turns page))| ]