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. 2017 Feb 10;7(2):e013703. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013703

Table 3.

Influence of providing information communicating risk of fracture and treatment benefits

Group 1 (n=51) Group 2 (n=49) Group 3 (n=51) Group 4 (n=49) Entire cohort
Participant estimates at baseline
5-year fracture risk high enough to consider taking medications (tablet/intravenous) to prevent fracture (any/hip) (%)
 Any fracture/tablets (%) 50 (23, 75) 50 (28, 60) 50 (35, 80) 50 (20, 60) 50 (25, 70)
 Any fracture/intravenous (%) 53 (40, 80) 55 (20, 72) 60 (50, 80) 60 (30, 80) 60 (30, 80)
 Hip fracture/tablets (%) 50 (30, 80) 50 (35, 73) 55 (50, 80) 48 (20, 60) 50 (30, 75)
 Hip fracture/intravenous (%) 60 (45, 80) 55 (30, 80) 60 (40, 80) 65 (30, 80) 60 (40, 80)
Risk of any fracture in next 5 years (%) 25 (10, 50) 25 (10, 50) 20 (10, 50) 15 (10, 40) 20 (10, 50)
 None/very low risk 14 17 16 24 18
 Low risk 44 38 45 47 43
 Moderate risk 30 42 29 24 31
 High risk 12 4 10 2 7
 Very high risk 0 0 0 2 1
Risk of hip fracture in next 5 years (%) 15 (10, 50) 20 (10, 45) 20 (10, 40) 10 (5, 30) 19 (10, 40)
Garvan fracture risk calculator estimates
5-year osteoporotic fracture risk 7.9 (5.8, 12.3) 7.3 (4.4, 9.9) 8.5 (5.6, 14.6) 7.1 (5.0, 9.6) 7.4 (5.5, 12.0)
5-year hip fracture risk 1.6 (0.8, 3.4) 1.2 (0.7, 2.4) 1.8 (0.8, 4.1) 1.3 (0.6, 2.0) 1.4 (0.8, 3.0)
Participant estimates after information on fracture risk and treatment benefits provided
Risk of any fracture in next 5 years (%) 14 (9, 30) 19 (10, 27) 15 (7, 30) 10 (8, 20) 12 (8, 30)
 None/very low risk 20 29 27 33 27
 Low risk 45 47 47 47 47
 Moderate risk 31 18 20 10 20
 High risk 4 6 4 8 6
 Very high risk 0 0 2 2 1
Risk of hip fracture in next 5 years (%) 8 (2, 20) 10 (2, 20) 10 (2, 20) 10 (2, 15) 10 (2, 20)

Data are per cent or median (Q1, Q3). Group 1: framed as chance of having an event and treatment benefits in natural frequencies; group 2: framed as chance of not having an event and treatment benefits in natural frequencies; group 3: framed as chance of having an event and treatment benefits with number needed to treat; group 4: framed as chance of not having an event and treatment benefits with number needed to treat.