An analysis of Young et al. (2016) data sets.52 (a) L-test for 5TIS (green), 5KAF (gold), and
5KAI (blue)
data sets. Untwinned line is shown in black, and theoretically twinned
curve is in red. (b) Wilson plot for 5TIS (green), 5KAF (gold), and
5KAI (gold) data sets after all data sets were scaled to 5KAF and
placed on the same absolute scale, i.e., logarithms of mean intensity
as a function of reciprocal resolution squared. For comparison, the
corresponding plot for all protein data sets in the PDB is shown in
black. (c) Amplitude differences as a function of reciprocal resolution
between 5KAI and 5KAF (red),
between 3ARC and 4IL6 (black),
between 5KAI and 5TIS (green),
and between 5KAF and 5TIS (blue).
(d) Isomorphous difference Fourier maps between Sr and Ca data set
contoured at +2σ (cyan), + 4σ (green), and −2σ
(magenta) show the largest features for the replacement of a glycerol
(b738) by DMSO (DMS/b628) and a water molecule (d567).