Fig. 1.
The PGP method (center box) illustrating radical formation from UV radiation on PES membranes and subsequent graft polymerization of vinyl monomers. Sixty-six vinyl monomers (in nine classes based on functionality, surrounding boxes) were grafted onto PES using the HTP–PGP platform and tested for protein adhesion and filtration. In the text the following abbreviations in parenthesis are used for the monomers in the outer 9 boxes in clockwise direction: charged (Basic and Zwitterionic or Zwit), hydrophobic methacrylates (HPO MA), amines (Amines), aromatic (Aromatic), hetero ring (Hetero ring), monomers that do not easily fit into the other categories (Others), strong and weak acids (Acid), polyethylene glycols (PEGs) and hydroxyl monomers (Hydroxy).