(A) In all four rats, trials with a conditioned response (CR%) gradually increased during two conditions with CS-US pairings (ACS-US paired, red; VCS-US paired, blue), but not during two conditions with the CS alone presentation (ACS alone, magenta; VCS alone, turquois). Based on CR% and days since asymptotic responding, sessions were divided into five successive stages (vertical lines). (B) In a few trials, EMG amplitude during a period before CS onset significantly changed from baseline. The proportion of these trials (mean ± SEM, n = 4 rats) did not increase across sessions or differ across four conditions. See (A) for the definition of line color. (C) In some trials, the rats engaged in an activity that greatly increased EMG amplitude before CS onset. (D) The frequency of these ‘hyperactive’ trials did not change across sessions or differ between four conditions (mean ± SEM, n = 4 rats). See (A) for the definition of line color.