Pre and Intraoperative Testing and Treatment Algorithm (Intravenous or Subcutaneous Insulin)
(NPO: nothing by mouth, po: oral intake, BG: blood glucose, OR: operating room, PACU: post anesthesia care unit, q2h: every 2 hours, q30min: every 30 minutes, q15min: every 15 minutes, D50: Dextrose 50% Solution, D10: Dextrose 10% Solution, SC: subcutaneous, mg: milligrams, d: deciliter, mmol: millimoles, L: liter)
BG 180mg/dL = 10mmol/L, BG 140mg/dL = 7.8mmol/L, 70mg/dL = 3.9mmol/L, BG 50mg/dL = 2.8mmol/L