Schematic of the brainstem from a sagittal view illustrating the approximate anatomical locations of the three respiratory rhythm generators. Shapes in blue represent the three distinct oscillators (preBötzinger complex [preBötC], post-inspiratory complex [PiCo], and retrotrapezoid nucleus parafacial respiratory group [RTN/pFRG]) that are thought to individually control the three phases of respiration. The RTN/pFRG is further segregated into the lateral parafacial nucleus (pF
L), which is more lateral, dorsal, and rhythmogenic, and the ventral parafacial nucleus (pF
V), which is more medial, ventral, and not considered rhythmogenic. Shapes in gray represent motor nuclei, specifically VII N = facial nucleus and NA = nucleus ambiguus. Green represents neuronal populations that contribute to the respiratory rhythm but are not thought to be independent rhythm generators. The dotted lines indicate the approximate boundaries of the horizontal slice, while the pink and yellow boxes illustrate the approximate boundaries of transverse slices isolating preBötC and PiCo, respectively.