A 62-year-old female with right primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast. Findings: right CC (A), right spot compression CC (B), right MLO (C), and right spot compression MLO (D) views demonstrate a 0.9-cm oval partially obscured mass with spiculated margins (arrow) with an adjacent 0.5-cm oval circumscribed mass in the anterior right upper outer quadrant at 10 o’clock (circle). Technique: right breast digital mammogram (A) full field craniocaudal (kVp 30; mAs 72) and spot compression craniocaudal (kVp 32; mAs 38) and (B) full field mediolateral oblique (kVp 30; mAs 80) and spot compression mediolateral (kVp 32; mAs 57). CC, craniocaudal; MLO, mediolateral oblique.