Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast |
Invasive ductal carcinoma |
Fibroepithelial lesion |
Circumscribed hypo to isoechoic mass
Hyperechoic pseudocapsule (compressed adjacent tissue)
Echogenic Ca++ may be seen
Echogenic septations may be seen
Peripheral and feeding vessels on Doppler
T2WI FS: isointense
T1 C + FS: oval/macrolobulated smooth enhancing mass
Usually moderate rapid homogeneous enhancement
May have nonenhancing internal septations
Focal adenosis |
Abscess |
Ill-defined spiculated noncalcified mass
Adjacent trabecular thickening due to edema
Often subareolar or periareolar
Ipsilateral adenopathy may be present
Heterogeneous complex mass
Surrounding increased echogenicity
May have fluid/debris level or septation
Surrounding hyperemia
Not indicated for diagnosis
T2 surrounding high T2 signal due to edema
Rim enhancement due to hyperemia
Invasive lobular carcinoma |
Radial scar |
Stromal fibrosis |
Spiculated mass
Architectural distortion