In the position where two or three different nucleotides or amino acids are noted, the first (noted with capital letter) is the majority one for F. hepatica intraspecific variation. Position = numbers (to be read in vertical) refer to variable positions obtained in the alignment made with MEGA 6.0.6;. = identical; * = present paper. ** 69 F. hepatica haplotypes described in Mas-Coma et al., 2009 [6] (39 populations from 10 countries); haplotype Accesion Number (Acc. No.) M93388 from Salt Lake City, Utah, USA of Garey and Wolstenholme, 1989 [82], and the haplotype Acc. No. AF216697 corresponding to the Geelon strain from Australia of Le et al., 2001 [83]. Nt = nucleotide base pair; aa = amino acids.