Tor-dependent activation of STAT92E-driven Fluc activity is induced by co-expression of Trk, PTTH or Tsl. All S2R+ cells were co-transfected with the STAT92E-dependent Fluc reporter construct and the RNA PolIII 128 promoter-dependent R-luc control plasmid for transfection normalization. Relative Fluc activity of each sample is calculated with respect to cells expressing vector alone. (A) Samples shown on the left-hand side were transfected with either the pAc5-STABLE2-Neo vector control plasmid (Vec) (black), or with the vector encoding Tor[4021] (light blue) or wild-type Tor (red). Samples on the right-hand side were transfected with a plasmid encoding wild-type Tor and the following genes: Trk (yellow), Trk[2] mutant (light green), PTTH (purple), Tsl (dark green), Trk plus Tsl (dark blue) or PTTH plus Tsl (gray). (B) Trk and Tsl activation of Tor-mediated STAT92E-driven Fluc activity does not depend upon endogenous trk or tsl expression in S2R+ cells. Cells were transfected with Tor alone (red), Tor plus Trk (yellow) or Tor plus Tsl (green) and treated with no added dsRNA (solid bars), dsRNA targeting trk (cross-hatched bars) or dsRNA targeting tsl (hatched bars). In A, each data point is an average of three replicates, repeated seven times (n=7). Significance values for Tor and Tor[4021] are determined relative to vector alone. In all other cases, significance has been calculated relative to cells expressing Tor alone. In B, each bar represents an average of three replicates, repeated five times (n=5). Relative Fluc activity is displayed as mean±s.d., based on seven (A) or five (B) replicate measurements. Differences in values that are statistically significant are indicated above the bars. ***P<0.001. ns, not significant.