Figure 1.
Difference in testicular volume by increasing quartiles of some nutrient intakes. (a) Omega-3. (b) Omega-6. (c) Trans fatty acids. Values represent the difference and 95% confidence interval in the mean (right and left) of testicular volume for men in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quartile of intakes when compared to men in the first quartile of intake. Models are adjusted for BMI (kg m−2), smoking (current smoker vs not current smoker), time of blood sampling (min), and intakes of caffeine (mg day−1), alcohol (g day−1), calorie (kcal day−1), other fat sources (% of calories), protein (% of calories), β-carotene (mg day−1), vitamin C (mg day−1), cryptoxanthin (mg day−1), and lycopene (mg day−1). BMI: body mass index.