Figure 1.
C/EBPα, β, δ, and ε Transdifferentiate B Cells to Myeloid Cells
(A) pMSCV-based vectors containing an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) and EGFP (MIG) marker used for retroviral transduction. Full-length open reading frames of Cebpa, Cebpb, Cebpd, or Cebpe were inserted upstream of the IRES element. Empty vector (MIG) served as control.
(B) Flow cytometric analysis of GFP+-infected B cells 4 days after transduction with individual C/EBPs.
(C) Analysis of granulocyte (Ly-6G) and macrophage (CD115) cell-surface markers in GFP+CD11b+ transdifferentiated cells 6 days after transduction.
(D) May-Grünwald staining of GFP+-sorted B cells 4 days after transduction. Arrows indicate cells with typical macrophage morphology and arrowheads mark granulocyte-like cells. Primary bone marrow (BM) and sorted granulocytes (Gr) were used as references (far right).
See also Figure S1.