Figure 4.
C/EBPβ Transgene Dosage Affects Macrophage versus Granulocyte Lineage Outcome
(A) Data binning of C/EBPβ-transduced B cells according to GFP intensity (GFP1–6).
(B) Flow cytometric analysis of GFP1–6 bins (CD11b + gated) 6 days after transduction.
(C) Quantification from five independent experiments. Data are presented as mean ± SEM.
(D) Cytospin preparation and May-Grünwald staining of GFPdim- and GFPhigh-sorted C/EBPβ-transduced B cells at day 7. Arrows indicate macrophage and arrowheads granulocyte-like cells.
(E) B cells were transduced with C/EBPε, sorted after 24 hr as GFP+ or GFPhigh, and recultured. Flow cytometric analysis of granulocyte (Ly-6G+) versus macrophage (CD115+) markers in GFP+CD11b+-gated populations 6 days post sorting.
See also Figure S3.