Table 1.
RNAseq statistics for I. ricinus IRE/CTVM20 cells, uninfected at 0 hpi, or infected with LIV or TBEV at 168 hpi (upper panel), and differential gene expression statistics at 168 hpi following infection with LIV or TBEV at 0 hpi, compared to uninfected cells at 0 hpi (lower panel)
Parameter | Uninfected 0 hpi (replicate 1/replicate 2) |
LIV 168 hpi (replicate 1/replicate 2) |
TBEV 168 hpi (replicate 1/replicate 2) |
Total reads | 11,976,631/10,334,781 | 16,075,150/13,693,034 | 13,339,640/18,910,604 |
Aligned reads | 11,976,631/10,334,781 | 16,075,150/13,693,034 | 13,339,640/18,910,604 |
PF_reads | 11,976,631/10,334,781 | 16,075,150/13,693,034 | 13,339,640/18,910,604 |
PF_aligned reads | 11,976,631/10,334,781 | 16,075,150/13,693,034 | 13,339,640/18,910,604 |
PF_HQ_aligned reads | 3,878,432/3,760,670 | 4,956,000/3,983,347 | 4,775,958/6,552,021 |
Mean read length | 119/119 | 119/119 | 119/119 |
PF_HQ_error rate | 0.76256/0.76193 | 0.763221/0.764392 | 0.766099/0.765034 |
PF_indel rate | 0.000667/0.000668 | 0.0007/0.000667 | 0.000629/0.000636 |
Total genes annotated | na | 20,861 | 20,861 |
Total DE genes | na | 613 (2.96%) | 409 (1.98%) |
Upregulated DE genes | na | 402 (65.6%) | 252 (61.6%) |
Downregulated DE genes | na | 211 (34.4%) | 157 (38.4%) |
Abbreviations: na not available, HPI hours post-infection, PF pass-Illumina filter, HQ high quality, PF_HQ_ERROR_RATE percentage of I. ricinus sequence bases that mismatch the I. scapularis reference genome sequence in PF HQ aligned reads, PF_INDEL_RATE number of insertion and deletion events per 100 PF aligned bases. This uses the number of events as the numerator, not the number of inserted or deleted bases. Picard metrics definitions ( were used, DE differentially expressed