Based on the signatures of SPRY-M, NF1-M and PTEN-M, 575 adult diffuse gliomas of WHO grades II-IV from the CGGA and TCGA mRNA-seq data sets were clustered using NMF. Distribution of morphologically diagnosed glioma subgroups among the RMPA glioma subtypes was analyzed using the Pearson χ2 test. Patients with RMPAlow gliomas showed better survival and younger ages at diagnosis compared to patients with RMPAhigh gliomas. A II, O II, OA II, A III, O III, OA III and GBM are the abbreviations of morphologically diagnosed astrocytoma grade II, oligodendroglioma grade II, oligoastrocytoma grade II, astrocytoma grade III, oligodendroglioma grade III, oligoastrocytoma grade III and glioblastoma, respectively. Samples with no information of morphological diagnosis from the source data are indicated with NULL.