Figure 4. Enriched expression of angiogenic RTKs in vessel endothelial cells and infiltrating immune cells in RMPAhigh gliomas.
Single cells from RMPAhigh or RMPAlow gliomas were co-stained with APC-conjugated anti-CD45 or anti-CD105 mAbs, in combination with one of the PE-conjugated anti-RTK mAbs, or with isotype-matched control antibodies. Dot plots of the bottom rows were the results of co-staining of APC-conjugated anti-CD45 and anti-CD105 mAbs together with one of the indicated PE-conjugated anti-RTK mAb. Living cells excluding 7-AAD staining were gated and analyzed for the co-expression of CD45, CD105 and RTKs. Dot-plots of representative RMPAhigh A. or RMPAlow glioma sample B. are presented. The expression of EGFR and PLXNB2 was seen in CD45−CD105− cells in both RMPAhigh or RMPAlow gliomas. The expression of MET, VEGFR1, KDR, EPHB4 and NRP1 was observed in both CD45+ and CD105+ cells, but not in CD45−CD105− glioma cells. Results of isotype control and other control stainings are depicted in Supplementary Figure S10.