Figure 5. Effects of U3 and U8 depletion on nucleolar structure.
(A) H1944 and MCF-7 cells depleted for 2 days of U3, U8, p53, or a combination of p53 and U3 or U8 were processed for immunofluorescence and decorated with antibodies specific to the nucleolar proteins fibrillarin (FBL) or PES1 and imaged by spinning-disc confocal microscopy. As a control, cells were treated with a non-targeting silencer (SCR). The inset (panel f’) is showing additional cells treated in the same conditions as those shown in panel f. (B) The mean number of nucleoli was established by PES1 staining of 100 cells for each condition and plotted. In H1944 cells, upon U8 depletion, the number of nucleoli could not be determined (ND) owing to nucleolar disruption (see f, f’, and l, in panel A).