Figure 2.
Noise performance of the high-bandwidth CNP amplifier. (a) Input-referred current noise PSD for the open-headstage configuration of the CNP amplifier. Measurement results agree with the predictions of transistor-level simulations of the amplifier. (b) Concatenated time trace of a 10 ms long open-headstage measurement. Each section corresponds to the same trace filtered using a digital four-pole Bessel filter to cutoff frequencies of 200 kHz, 1 MHz and 5 MHz respectively. The 10 MHz trace already includes the effect of an analog four-pole Bessel filter and is not filtered further. IRMS values are indicated. (c, d) Noise performance of the CNP amplifier with two different pores. Pore 1 has Cpore ≈ 10 pF while Pore 2 has Cpore ≈ 13 pF. Concatenated time trace is for data from Pore 1.