FIG. 1.
Depiction of the anesthesia system and intermittent dosing regimen. (A) Schematic of all system components with labels; a: anesthetic water supply and pump; b: system water supply and pump; c: waste water and pump. Red tubes indicate flow toward pump and blue tubes indicate flow away from pump. Green cable is a USB cord controlling timed operation of power strip via a computer. Black cables are standard power cords. (B) CAD drawings of imaging chamber. Dimensions are in millimeters. (C) Screen shot of programmable power strip interface (settings shown for Outlet 1). (D) Photograph of the system with all the same components as in (A). Inset: image of the three-dimensional printed anesthetic chamber with fish mounted to a glass slide. (E) Representative example of intermittent dosing trial from a single fish to determine time to stage 3 sedation and subsequent recovery.