Table 1.
Summary of types of sncRNAs with potential or described function across the animal kingdom. (?), function not well defined.
Name | Abbrev | Class | Length (nt) | Function | Ref |
C/D snoRNA-derived RNA snRNA | C/D sdRNA | snRNA | 17–19, 27 | Post-transcriptional gene repression, processing of pre-rRNA | [352], [353] |
Centromere repeat-associated sRNA | crasiRNA | chRNA | 34–42 | Heterochromatin formation | [207], [354] |
Double-strand break induced sRNA | diRNA | DSB | 21 | DNA double-strand break repair | [355], [356], [357] |
Endogenous small interfering RNA | endo-siRNA | siRNA | 21–26 | Inhibition of retrotransposition, pos-transcriptional gene repression | [358], [359] |
Exogeneous small interfering RNA | exo-siRNA | siRNA | 21 | Gene silencing, anti-viral | [360], [361] |
H/ACA snoRNA-derived RNA snRNA | H/ACA sdRNA | snRNA | 20–24 | Post-transcriptional gene repression, alternative splicing | [362], [363], [364] |
microRNA | miRNA | miRNA | 19–22 | Post-transcriptional gene repression | [221], [365] |
miRNA-offset RNAs | moRNA | miRNA | 19–22 | Post-transcriptional gene repression | [367], [368] |
Promoter-associated small RNAs | PASRs | 18–200 | Transcriptional regulation | [369], [370] | |
Piwi interacting RNA or repeat-associated siRNA | piRNA or rasiRNA | piRNA | 25–33 | Germline post-transcriptional gene repression, transposon regulation, chromatin modification | [230], [242], [371] |
Pyknon | Pyknon | miRNA/siRNA | 16–22 | Post-transcriptional gene repression | [372] |
Small nuclear RNA or small Cajal-body RNA | snRNA or scaRNA | 128 | Pseudouridylation of U2 spliceosomal RNA (?) | [374], [375] | |
Splice site-associated small RNA | spliRNA | CAsRNA | 17–18 | Involved in regulating epigenomic modifications and transcription (?) | [376] |
Stem-bulge RNA | sbRNA | Y RNA | 67–133 | RNA quality control, chromosomal replication | [377], [378] |
Small NF90-associated RNA | SNAR | Remain to be established | [379], [380] | ||
Small vault RNA | svRNA | vRNA | 22–37 | Post-transcriptional gene regulation | [381], [382] |
Telomere-specific sRNA | tel-sRNA | chrRNA | 24 | Epigenetic regulation | [385] |
Transcription initiation sRNA | tiRNA | CAsRNA | 18 | Transcriptional regulation | [369], [386] |
tRNA derived halves | tRH | tDR | 30–35 | Post-transcriptional gene repression | [387], [388] |
tRNA-derived fragments | tRF | tDR | 20 | Post-transcriptional gene repression, translational repression | [389], [390] |
Transcriptional start-site-miRNA | TSS-miRNA | miRNA | 20–90 | Post-transcriptional gene regulation | [369], [391] |
Unusually small RNA | usRNA | miRNA | 15–17 | Post-transcriptional gene regulation | [392] |
Y RNA-derived small RNAs Y RNA | yDR | Y RNA | 24–25, 30 | Ro-RNA particle to control RNA quality (?) and chromosomal replication | [393], [394] |