Figure 4.
β-toxin contributes to lethality and vegetation formation in a rabbit model of IE. (a) At an inoculum of 5×108-1×109 CFUs, rabbits infected with COL hlb- + hlb (■), COL hlb- + hlb T149A (▲), COL hlb- + hlb H162A (▼), or COL hlb- + hlb D163A (▶), died rapidly. Mostly, rabbits infected with COL hlb- (○) and COL hlb- + hlb H289N (◇) survived until the end of the experiment. (b) At an inoculum of 5×107, there was no difference in survival between the strains. (c) COL hlb- + hlb T149A, COL hlb- + hlb H162A, COL hlb- + hlb D163A, COL hlb- + hlb H289N, or COL hlb- infected rabbits produced little to no vegetations compared to COL hlb- + hlb infected rabbits at the lower inoculum. Asterisks denote statistical significance compared to COL hlb- + hlb (d) Vegetations from all rabbits infected at the lower inoculum had similar CFUs.