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. 2017 Feb 1;146:327–332. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.10.004

Table 1.

Average baseline and peak PETO2 values and corresponding venous oxygenation (Yv) estimated according to the interpolation method outlined in Chiarelli et al. (2007). Baseline R2GM*(S1) and the gradients (A) of ΔR2GM* versus (1−Yv) for both β=1 (linear model) and typical B0-adjusted values of β. Χ2 depicts goodness-of-fit. Data (mean±SEM) averaged across subjects for each magnet field strength (B0).

B0(T) PETO2(mmHg)
Venous oxygenation (Yv)
MR parameters for GM mask
Baseline Peak Baseline Peak Baseline R*2GM (s−1) Gradient (A) of ΔR*2GM v. (1−Yv) linear fit (Eq. (3)) (s−1) Χ2 for nonlinear fit using B0-corrected β values (Eq. (4)) Χ2 for nonlinear 3 parameter fit (Eq. (4))
1.5 115±3 482±11 0.600±0.001 0.670±0.002 12.7±0.2 4.1±0.4 (χ2=6.4±2.0) χ2=6.4±2.0 χ2=6. 4±2.0
3 109±3 485±9 0.600±0.001 0.680±0.001 19.5±0.5 3.9±0.3 (χ2=4.3±1.1) χ2=4.3±1.1 χ2=4.2±1.8
7 119±2 490±13 0.600±0.001 0.670±0.003 33.2±0.7 13.2±2.0 (χ2=4.7±1.8) χ2=4.7±1.8 χ2=4.6±1.8
