Potentiating effect of Ms 9a-1 on AITC-induced [Ca2+]i rise mediated by TRPA1 in rat-cultured DRG neurons. Shown are representative traces. A, Ms 9a-1 (300 nm) increased cellular response to AITC. B, mock application of buffer solution (ECS) did not produce any significant response. C, Ms 9a-1 (300 nm) did not induce an increase in [Ca2+]i of DRG neurons. [Ca2+]i responses were measured as normalized changes in fluorescence intensity before (Flbase) and after samples addition (Fl). D, pooled data: fluorescence (% of control) = (fluorescence maximum after peptide or buffer application − fluorescence (baseline))/(fluorescence before application − fluorescence (baseline)) × 100%. The results are presented as the mean ± S.D.; n = 15 (buffer), n = 30 (Ms 9a-1); ***, p < 0.001. Statistical significance was evaluated by two-tailed t test.