Time course of CIN85, CD2AP, and nephrin expression after glucose or mannitol stimulation in murine and human podocytes. Human and murine podocytes were exposed to 30 mmol/L high glucose or mannitol as osmotic control at the times indicated (0–48 h). Western blotting analysis depicts the expression of CIN85, CD2AP, and nephrin in murine podocytes (A and B) and human podocytes (C and D) (results are representative for three independent experiments). Expression level of CIN85, CD2AP, and nephrin were quantified by densitometry (right panels). High glucose augmented CIN85 expression in a time-dependent manner and reached the highest level at 48 h in murine (A) and human (C) podocytes, whereas a downregulated expression of CD2AP and nephrin was detected as early as 24 h after stimulation. Values are means ± SEM of three independent experiments expressed as percentage of control (0 h), where the ratio in control was defined as 100%. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01 vs. control (0 h) by unpaired t test.