Figure 2.
Imino proton resonance assignments of WT and mutant pri-miR156a. Watergate NOESY spectra of (A) the WT, (B) A9C, (C) A10G, (D) A9AC and (E) A10CG pri-miR156a in 90% H2O/10% D2O containing 10 mM sodium phosphate (pH 8.0) and 50 mM NaCl. Solid lines indicate (upper) NOE cross-peaks between imino protons and their own and neighboring H2 or amino protons and (lower) imino-imino NOE connectivities. The letters ‘i’ and ‘a’ indicate the imino and amino proton resonances, respectively. The x symbols indicate the exchange NOE cross-peaks of the G98, U101 and U16 imino protons with the imino resonances a, b and c, respectively.