Experimental setup and measurements. A, Experimental paradigm. Subjects sat in front of a computer monitor and were instructed to perform wrist movements to move the wrist cursor (red circle) from the initial start position (grey square) to one of two target positions (blue squares) upon target presentation. B, Calculation of reaction time (RT), movement time (MT) and peak velocity (PV) where the grey patch represents target presentation. Velocity profile (blue line) and wrist angular displacement (red line) are shown for one trial of an example participant. C, Topographical distribution (top panel) and time-frequency map (bottom panel) of movement-related beta activity. Topographical plots of grand-average beta power revealed electrodes of peak change (highlighted as black-and-white disks) overlying contra- and ipsilateral sensorimotor cortices. Time-frequency map for pooled electrodes contralateral to moving hand showing two distinct time windows of peak changes in beta activity (MRBD: 1–2 s; PMBR: 6–7 s). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).