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. 2016 Oct 22;9(1):30–40. doi: 10.1177/1941738116674006

Table 2.

Structural brain imaging, neuropsychological testing, and depression and symptom scores in 45 retired National Football League players a

Outcome Mean (±SD) or n (%)
Structural brain imaging
Cavum septum pellucidum
 Absent 10 (22)
 Small 32 (71)
 Large 3 (7)
SWI microbleeds 4 (9)
FA mean 0.459 (±0.035)
Neuropsychological testing
Brief visuospatial memory test—sum 43.0 (±10.9)
Brief visuospatial memory test—delayed recall 49.4 (±11.0)
California Verbal Learning Test—sum 39.1 (±9.2)
California Verbal Learning Test—short delay free recall 39.5 (±10.4)
California Verbal Learning Test—long delay free recall 38.4 (±8.6)
Trails A 51.1 (±10.8)
Trails B 46.5 (±8.0)
Controlled Oral Word Association Test—FAS 47.9 (±9.0)
Animals 50.2 (±9.6)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Digit Span 47.7 (±8.9)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Letter Numbering Sequence 50.6 (±8.9)
Wechsler Test of Adult Reading—Intelligence Quotient 98.6 (±12.3)
ImPACT verbal memory 75.9 (±12.0)
ImPACT visual memory 59.0 (±14.0)
ImPACT visual motor processing speed 28.6 (±8.3)
ImPACT reaction time 0.77 (±0.19)
ImPACT impulse control 5.70 (±6.0)
Depression and symptom scales
Beck Depressive Inventory–II 9.71 (±9.6)
Mini-Mental State Examination 28.5 (±1.3)
Patient Health Questionnaire 26.5 (±19.9)
ImPACT Total Symptom Score 20.0 (±21.3)

FA, fractional anisotropy; ImPACT, Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing; SWI, susceptibility weighted image; Trails A and B, Trail Making Tests A and B.


Reprinted with permission from Solomon et al.60