The tree was constructed using multiple alignment of the VWD and C8 domains of the translated (ST_9981, ST_36280, ST_39) and selected teleost families: Salmonidae, Esocidae, and Cichlidae. The maximum likelihood phylogeny in MEGA 7 [61] was selected. The tree was bootstrapped 1,000 times. Accession numbers: Atlantic salmon I-Muc* (XP_014041914), northern pike I-Muc* (XP_012994242.1), northern pike I-Muc** (XP_012993966.1), Atlantic salmon I-Muc** (XP_013982567.1), Astatotilapia burtoni I-Muc* (XP_005941718.1), A. burtoni I-Muc** (XP_005946303.1); A. burtoni I-Muc*** (XP_005952623.1), Atlantic salmon I-Muc*** (XP_014038548.1), Atlantic salmon Muc5B (XP_014031349.1), Atlantic salmon Muc5AC (XP_014036802.1), northern pike Muc5AC (XP_010867519.2), A. burtoni Muc5AC (XP_005946314.1), A. burtoni Muc2 (XP_005952624.2), northern pike Muc2 (XP_012994223.1), Atlantic salmon Muc2 (XP_014040158.1).