Fig 5. Stratified fold change differences in EVG and RAL susceptibility between and among pre-existing and emergent T97A alone populations.
Fifty-five patient-derived viruses harboring T97A (or T97T/A) alone (i.e., in the absence of primary INSTI RAMs) were tested for phenotypic susceptibility to INSTIs, with data available for 45 isolates (pre-existing T97A: 38 of 47; emergent T97A alone: 7 of 8). All isolates maintained sensitivity to DTG (data not shown). Fold change EC50 values against EVG (left panel) or RAL (right panel) were compared between and among overall pre-existing and emergent T97A alone populations by B versus non-B subtype (A), by TN versus TE (B), and by full T97A versus wild-type mixed T97T/A mutation (C). Biological cutoff (BCO) fold-change (FC) EC50 values for EVG and RAL are ≥2.5 and ≥1.5, respectively (PhenoSense™ Integrase assay). Statistical significance was calculated using a two-tailed Student’s t-test assuming equal variance.