Fig 6. Correlation of EVG and RAL susceptibility among patient-derived viruses containing T97A alone (pre-existing and emergent).
Solid black circles represent pre-existing T97A isolates at pre-treatment visits (38 of 47 with data). Open circles represent emergent T97A alone isolates (i.e., in the absence of primary INSTI RAMs) at first protocol-defined virologic failure visits with INSTI resistance (7 of 8 with data); blue and red indicate EVG and RAL-based regimens, respectively. Biological cutoff fold-change (FC) EC50 values for EVG and RAL are ≥2.5 and ≥1.5, respectively (PhenoSense™ Integrase assay). Fold-change EC50 values were low and varied broadly from 1.10 to 11.0 for EVG (mean FC = 3.21; median FC = 2.22) and from 0.60 to 4.04 for RAL (mean FC = 1.50; median FC = 1.30).