Figure 5.
Bacterial community structure and diversity in control and restored microcosms. (a) Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) of the unweighted UniFrac distance matrix representing differences in community structure at four dilution levels of control and restored microcosms at day 105. D1, D2, D3 and D4 dilutions from control microcosms are represented by red, green, blue and pink plain circles respectively. Restored microcosms D1, D2, D3 and D4 are represented by orange, light green, light blue and violet plain circles respectively. Owing to a limited effect of soil origin, the A and B soil communities have not been distinguished to simplify the figure. For each dilution, the control microcosms have been joined by a colored line. (b) Phylogenetic Diversity levels of control and restored communities at four dilution levels. Means±s.e.m are represented. The gray-shaded areas correspond to the interval between the control mean−s.e.m. and the control mean+s.e.m for each treatment. Samples are labeled according to the following scheme: AD1InAD2 stands for Dilution 1 from soil A inoculated with Dilution 2 from soil A.