Table 2.
FRO: frontal |
IFGoperc: Inferior frontal gyrus (opercular) OFCsup: Orbitofrontal cortex (superior) MFG: Middle frontal gyrus |
PreCG: Precentral gyrus OLF: Olfactory REC: Gyrus rectus |
PAR: Parietal |
ANG: Angular gyrus PoCG: Postcentral gyrus |
IPL: Inferior parietal lobule |
OCC: Occipital | PCG: Posterior cingulate gyrus | PCUN: Precuneus |
TEM: temporal |
STG: Superior temporal gyrus TPOmid: Temporal pole (middle) ITG: Inferior temporal PHG: ParaHippocampal gyrus |
TPOsup: Temporal pole (superior) HES: Heshl gyrus l HIP: Hippocampus HES: Heschl gyrus |
BG: basal ganglia |
CAU: Caudate PUT: Putamen |
CAL: Calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex PAL: Pallidum |
DIEN: Diencephalon | THA: Thalamus | |
CER: cerebellum |
III-Cb:Lobule III of cerebellar hemisphere X-Cbf: lobule X of cerebellar hemisphere (flocculus) |
IV–V-Cb: lobule IV, V of cerebellar hemisphere VII-VER: Lobule VII of vermis |