Local degree connectivity effects. (a.) main local degree connectivity effects in medial occipital, parietal and prefrontal brain areas, displayed separately for participants with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and healthy controls (HC); (b.) significantly lower local right amygdala connectivity in BDD participants as compared to HC, and post-hoc bar graphs indicating local amygdala connectivity across the different task conditions. The minimum t-value threshold of 3.3 used for display purposes of between-group effects is equivalent to a threshold of p < 0.001, uncorrected, and the minimum t-value threshold of 4.9 used for display of within-group effects corresponds to a whole-brain corrected family-wise error corrected threshold of p < 0.05. Abbreviations: LSF, low spatial frequency; NSF, normal spatial frequency; HSF, high spatial frequency; CON, control task; FIX, fixation.