(A). qPCR assays performed on Canton S wildtype fly heads with two replicates showing that Achl is rhythmic at the mRNA level in 12hr: 12hr light:dark (LD) conditions. Timeless is a core clock gene that serves as a positive control. The bottom horizontal white and black bars represent lights on and lights off, respectively. Error bars represent +/− SEM. Data were analyzed with JTK-CYCLE to evaluate the rhythmicity (Hughes et al., 2010; Miyazaki et al., 2011). qPCR data were normalized with the median expression value of each gene.
(B). qPCR assay performed on control fly heads showing that Achl is rhythmic at the mRNA level in constant darkness (DD) conditions. The bottom horizontal gray and black bars represent subjective day and night, respectively. Data were analyzed with JTK-CYCLE to evaluate the rhythmicity (Hughes et al., 2010; Miyazaki et al., 2011). qPCR data were normalized with the median expression value of each gene.