Figure 7.
CtIP Phosphorylation at Ser327 by Plk3 Mediates Interaction with Brca1 in G1
(A) Interaction of CtIP and Brca1 in synchronized G1 HeLa cells treated with Plki.
(B) Interaction of CtIP and Brca1 in G1 HeLa cells transfected with GFP-CtIP-WT or GFP-CtIP-S327A. Brca1 or GFP/CtIP was immunoprecipitated from cell extracts, and protein levels were analyzed.
(C) Model summarizing the hierarchy of investigated factors involved in resection-dependent c-NHEJ in G1 in comparison with HR in G2.
(D) Model for DSB repair pathway choice in G1 human cells.
See also Figure S7.