(A) Schematic of penetration depth of light emitting at varying wavelengths. Most existing optogenetic tools are activated by blue or yellow light that penetrates up to 0.5-1 mm in depth, with very limited effects on circulating immune cells in living tissues. Tissue-resident dendritic cells (DCs) in the dermis capture antigens (e.g., tumor antigens liberated from melanoma cells) and cross-present them to naïve T cells after migration to draining lymph nodes via lymphatics, leading to activation and expansion of T cells and subsequent trafficking to tumor sites through systemic circulation.
(B) Light-mediated control of cell signaling via photo-manipulation of protein-protein interaction (left), clustering of proteins (middle), or allosteric regulation of protein functions (right). Representative examples of photoresponsive modules are listed under each engineering strategy. UVR8, ultraviolet-B receptor 8; COP1, constitutively photomorphogenic 1; CRY2, cryptochrome-2; CIB, cryptochrome-interacting basic-helix-loop-helix protein; LOV, light-oxygen-voltage; VVD, VIVID protein with a Per-ARNT-Sim domain; FKF1: flavin-binding, kelch repeat, F-box protein; PhyB, phytochrome B; vfAU1/ptAU1, aureochrome 1 from Vaucheria frigida or Phaeodactylum tricornutum.
(C–F) 3D structures of plant-derived photoresponsive domains or proteins that are commonly used in optogenetic applications. The cofactors or chromophores that confer light sensitivities to corresponding proteins are: (C) tryptophan residues for UVR8 (PDB entry: 4DNW); (D) FAD for CRY2 (modeled from CRY1; PDB entry: 1U3D); (E) FMN for LOV2 (PDB entry: 2V0W); and (F) PΦB or PCB for PhyB (PDB entry: 4OUR). FAD, flavin adenine dinucleotide; FMN, flavin mononucleotide; PΦB, phytochromobilin; PCB, phycocyanobilin.