Figure 3. Voltage-dependence of non-edited compared to edited mutant channels.
Whole-cell K+ currents were recorded from oocytes expressing either the non-edited (N) or edited (E) isoforms of homotetrameric wild-type (WT), V404I, I407M, or V408A Kv1.1 channels. Test potentials were elicited in 10 mV voltage steps from −50 to 40 mV, from a holding potential of −80 mV. (a) Representative activating traces at −20 and 40 mV are shown for each construct. (b,c) Conductance (G) versus voltage plots are shown where data have been normalized to the maximal conductance (Gmax), demonstrating shifts in voltage dependence for (b) I407M and (c) V404I (mean ± SEM, n = 4–8 oocytes). Normalized conductance was measured from tail current amplitude. Small error bars were obscured by the data symbols.