Figure 2. Simultaneous Pressure Waves and Isolated Pressure Transients.
(A) Four SPWs of relatively low amplitude with high amplitude haustral boundary pressure transients. Pressure transients were prominent in sensors 11,19, 27 and 35, which is 8 cm apart. Such a pattern (prominent in sensors 4–8 cm apart) was very common and strongly suggestive of being associated with haustral boundary contractions. The SPWs occurred rhythmically at 2 cycles/min. All four SPWs were associated with gas expulsion. From a control subject with sensor P36 at 45 cm from the anal verge. (B) Four SPWs of increasing amplitude, reflected in the spatiotemporal map as well as in the pressure traces. The last three SPWs were associated with gas expulsion. Scattered isolated pressure transients are present. From a patient with constipation; sensor P36 is 40 cm from anal verge.