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. 2017 Feb 6;2017:8025752. doi: 10.1155/2017/8025752

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included RCTs for oral diseases.

First author, year Location of propolis production, chemical composition of propolis Used form of propolis, amount used Patient's disease, sample size (randomized/analysed) Experimental group (intervention, regimen) Control group (intervention, regimen) Outcome measures Main results AE
Ali, 2011 [19] UAE, n.r. Paste, n.r. Recurrent oral aphthae, 120/114 (A) PP (containing olive oil), n = 39, 2 times per day until healing (B) PP (containing sesame oil), n = 35, 2 times per day until healing 
(C) Placebo paste, n = 40, 2 times per day until healing
(1) TER for pain disappearance 
(2) Duration of treatment for ulcer 
(3) Lesion size 
(4) Duration of drug adherence to mucous membrane
(1) (A)a, (B)a significantly better than (C) 
(2) (A)b, (B)b significantly better than (C) 
(3) (A) better than (B), (C) but NS 
(4) Most patients were approximately 20–30 minutes

Atanasovska, 2014 [20] Macedonia, I 62.5% + B 55% + TP 24.2% + TFF 8% + TFD 49% Spray, n.r. Recurrent oral aphthae, 20/20 (A) PS (Proaftol), n = 10, 24–32 sessions (3-4 times per day for 8 days) (B) Placebo spray, n = 10, 24–32 sessions (3-4 times per day for 8 days) (1) Lesion size 
(2) Severity of pain
(1) On day 3, Positivec; on day 5, Positivec; on day 8, Positiveb
(2) On day 3, Positivec; on day 5,Positiveb; on day 8, Positiveb

Capistrano, 2013 [21] n.r., n.r. Gel, 1 session 5 mL Candidal stomatitis, 45/45 (A) PG, n = 15, 64 sessions (4 times per day for 14 days) (B) Mouthrinse (containing propolis), n = 15, 64 sessions (4 times per day for 14 days) 
(C) Miconazole, n = 15, 64 sessions (4 times per day for 14 days)
(1) CFU 
(2) Newton's classification
(1) Significant difference in (A)c, (B)c, (C)c but NS in each group 
(2) Significant difference in (A)b, (B)c, (C)b but NS in each group

Chen, 2009 [22] n.r., n.r. Extract, n.r. Recurrent oral aphthae, 76/76 (A) PE, n = 38, 14 sessions (2 times per day for 7 days) (B) Placebo (oral antiseptics), n = 38, 14 sessions (2 times per day for 7 days) (1) TER for ROA 
(2) TER for pain disappearance
(1) Positiveb
(2) Positiveb

Piredda, 2015 [23] n.r., n.r. Extract, 1 session 8–10 mg Oral mucositis, 60/60 (A) PE + mouthrinse, n = 30, 15 sessions (1 time per day for 15 days) (B) Mouthrinse, n = 30, 15 sessions (1 time per day for 15 days) (1) NCI-CTCAE version 4.0 (1) Positivea Manifested suspected skin reaction 
(2 in group (A))

a P < 0.05; bP < 0.01; cP < 0.001.

AE: adverse events; B: balm (extract with 70% ethanol); CFU: colony forming units; I: inhibitor against Staphylococcus aureus; NCI-CTCAE: National Cancer Institute-Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; n.r.: not reported; NS: no significant difference between groups; PE: propolis extract; PG: propolis gel; positive: (A) significantly better than (B); PP: propolis paste; PS: propolis spray; ROA: recurrent oral aphthae; TER: total effective rate; TFD: total flavonones and dihydroflavonols; TFF: total flavones and flavonol; TP: total phenols.